• EO Cola By Ensar Oud
  • EO Cola By Ensar Oud

EO Cola By Ensar Oud

MRP: INR 65000

INR 46000

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EO Cola

The “cola” note.

Or is it a chord? A profile? A subtle veneer that intertwines with everything around it? Coca-Cola?

Many discern the cola effect in Tibetan Musk, and associate it as an intrinsic facet of deer musk. Still, musk ≠ cola. 

Often, people seek out the cola tone in certain ouds, notably vintage Malaysian distillations. Still, oud ≠ cola.

It could come from certain spice combos, yet spices ≠ cola.

That’s the thing – like musk, like ambergris, like oud or pure tobacco or osmanthus or clove, the cola note is best experienced and branded into your olfactory palate.

Not only do people ask for and seek out the cola note, there’s a proper infatuation with it on the rise! Sohail even commissioned a cola semi-bespoke.

It’s gotten to me as a perfumer to the extent that I’ve changed my signature series line-up because of it…

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